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NRYFL Bylaws revised 10/16/2023








III. Purpose

IV. Membership

V.Governing Body

VI. Amendments to the Constitution



































9.2.1. A and B Teams


9.2.2. JV Teams


9.2.3. C Team/Team


10. Definitions






I. Name


This league shall be called the North Reading Youth Football League (NRYFL).

II. Affiliations


The NRYFL shall be affiliated with the Cape Ann Youth Football League (CAYFL).


III. Purpose


The purpose for which the NRYFL is formed is:

§ To foster, encourage, and promote the playing of the sports of football and cheerleading for the children and families of the residents of North Reading.

§ To develop and promote the qualities of physical fitness, competitive spirit, team play, loyalty, and good sportsmanship in those who participate in the program.

§ To provide opportunities to adults interested in participating in the program as coaches, or in other capacities.

§ To work with children in a sports setting, and to foster and promote understanding in the fundamentals and the fine points of football and cheerleading.


IV. Membership


Residence Requirements


Membership in this league shall be limited to residents of North Reading, Massachusetts, or those administrators, players, or coaches as specifically approved for membership by the Board of Directors.


Voting Members


Members of the Board of Directors  shall have voting rights, during the term of their service.


Non-Voting Members


All parents and sponsors of football players and cheerleaders, participating in any of the programs of the NRYFL shall be non-voting members.

V. Governing Body


The Board of Directors shall govern and administer the day-to-day operation of the league within the scope of the Bylaws and the policy guidelines set by the Bylaws.


VI. Amendments to the Constitution


Once adopted, this Constitution shall be amended only by a 3/4 vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting of the League.





1.1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following elected persons:



Vice-President of Football

Vice President of Cheerleading




Fundraising Director

Communications Director

Field & Equipment Director

1.2. The day to day business of the North Reading Youth Football League shall be managed by the Board of Directors.


1.3. The act of the majority, of those present and voting, shall be the act of the Board of Directors.


1.4. Where there are insufficient items to hold a meeting, the President may poll by telephone all the members of the Board of Directors to obtain their vote, and notify each member of the Board within three days of the date of the vote as to the results.


1.5. In the event of a vacancy in any of the elected offices through resignation or other causes, the Board of Directors, by a majority vote may fill such a vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term.


1.6. Removal of any Board member (for sufficient cause) requires a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.


1.7. Removal of a person from an appointed office requires a 2/3 vote of the Board.




2.1. The offices of President, Vice-President of Football, Vice President of Cheerleading, Treasurer, Registrar, Secretary, Fundraising Director, Communications Director, , and Field & Equipment Director shall be elected from the current Board to serve for a two (2) year term. This election shall be held at the end of each season at the Annual General League Meeting.


2.2. A nominating committee made up of three (3) members, two board and one general, shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at a November meeting. The Nominating Committee will work to recruit for open board positions and/or nominate returning board members to be considered for election.


2.2.1. The Nominating Committee shall meet with the Board of Directors prior to the election to present a list of eligible candidates to serve as officers or coaches for the NRYFL. Nominations will be closed at this meeting.


2.2.2. The Nominating Committee may nominate one or more candidates for each open position.


2.2.3. Nominees names shall be included in the call of the Annual General League Meeting. The call of the Annual General League Meeting will be posted on the NRYFL website or social Media prior to the Annual General League Meeting.


2.3. All elections will be conducted by paper ballots.


2.4. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be deemed elected.


2.5. Vacancies not filled at the time of the General Election, or occurring during the year, may be filled by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors.


2.6 The newly elected officers shall take office on March 1.


2.7. The fiscal year of the League shall begin on February 1st and end on January 31st.


2.8. Paper ballots will be distributed at the election by the registrar or his/her designee. Each member will register at the door, receive a ballot, and upon submission of his/her ballot sign out.




3.1. The Board of Directors shall hold, as a minimum, 6 meetings per year.


3.2. Three members of the Board of Directors may call for a Board of Directors meeting. Seven days notice shall be given by the Secretary prior to the scheduled meeting.


3.3. A meeting of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President. Seven days notice shall be given by the Secretary prior to the scheduled meeting.


3.4. No votes can be taken or amendment made at a meeting without a quorum present (more than 50% of the standing Board of Directors).




4.1. The North Reading Youth Football League Bylaws may be amended by a two thirds Majority affirmative vote at a Board of Directors meeting.


4.2. The proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member prior to the meeting.




5.1. Committees may be formed for any specific purpose not contrary to the purpose of the league. All committee members shall be appointed by the committee chairperson and approved by the Board of Directors.




6.1. No officer or other voting member of this league shall receive any fee for activities concerned with his or her official office in the NRYFL.


6.2. Payment for any personal expenses other than mail or telephone costs must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors.


6.3. The Board of Directors shall review and adopt or revise the rules and policies of the League on or before the second week of September of each year.


6.4. Disciplinary Committee

6.4.1. Any event which may be contrary to the spirit of the purpose of the league may be investigated by a Disciplinary Committee.


6.4.2. The Disciplinary Committee will consist of three (3) board members appointed by the Board of Directors.


6.4.3. The Disciplinary Committee will be chaired by the VP of the respective sport.


6.4.4. The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to recommend disciplinary action to the Board of Directors by filing a written report.


6.4.5. Where disciplinary action is recommended against a person by the Disciplinary Committee, the person shall be furnished with a copy of the report and shall have the opportunity to appear before the Board of Directors and be heard, to do so a written opposition to the report must be submitted within 48 hours.


6.4.6. When a disciplinary action is recommended the Board of Directors shall either:


·Take such action as recommended by the Disciplinary Committee

·Vote to dismiss the report

·Recommit it for further report



6.4.7. No disciplinary action may be taken by the Board of Directors except within twenty-one (21) days of the conclusion of investigation by the Disciplinary Committee.




7.1. President:


7.1.1. Calls to order business meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting.


7.1.2. Serves as ex officio member of all committees.


7.1.3. In instances where disciplinary measures appear appropriate or are recommended, the President will convene a special meeting of the Board of Directors.


7.1.4. Shall be authorized to arbitrate all matters.


7.1.5. In the case of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.


7.1.6. The President and/or Treasurer shall have power to sign all checks and bank withdrawals.


7.1.7. Any expense over $500 must be approved by the Board.


7.1.8. The President or his/her designate is required to attend all scheduled CAYFL meetings.


7.2. Vice-President of Football (Coaching Director):


7.2.1. In the absence of the President, shall be acting President.


7.2.2. Shall be the overall Director of football teams


7.2.3. Shall perform other such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.


7.2.4. Chairs the Disciplinary Committee as it pertains to football.


7.2.5. Shall be the “Child Safe Director” required to annually obtain and process CORI forms for each Head Coach, Coach, and Board member; and report the findings to the BOD.


7.2.6. Will assist the registrar with rostering at CAYFL


7.2.7. Adjudicates team or parent protests through impartial fact finding and arbitration.


7.2.8. Receives and records player and coach ejections.


7.2.9. Meets with Head Coaches and assistants as needed, and Cheerleading Director and coaches as needed


7.2.10. The VP of football may remove or suspend any member including coaches, players, or parents for any conduct deemed inappropriate based on Players, and Coaches guidelines and the Parent Code of Conduct.


7.2.11. Shall inform Board of Directors throughout the season of coaching and team status.


7.2.12. Shall determine the style of all uniforms, with approval of the Board of Directors.


7.2.13. Shall present Head coaching staff recommendations to Board of Directors for approval.


7.3. Vice-President of Cheerleading (Coaching Director):


7.3.1. Shall be the overall Director of Cheerleading teams


7.3.2. Shall determine the style of all uniforms, with approval of the Board of Directors.


7.3.3. Shall perform other such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.


7.3.4. Responsible for coordinating practice schedules and obtaining necessary permits through town officials


7.3.5. Required to represent NRYFL at all CAYFL cheerleading Director meetings


7.3.6. Chairs the Disciplinary Committee as it pertains to cheerleading.


7.3.7. Shall be the “Child Safe Director” required to annually obtain CORI forms for each Director Coach, and assistant coach; and present them to the VP of Football for processing.


7.3.8. Will assist the registrar with rostering at CAYFL


7.3.9. Adjudicates team or parent protests through impartial fact finding and arbitration.


7.3.10. Receives and records player and coach ejections.


7.3.11. Meets with Directors, Coaches, and Assistants as needed.


7.3.12 The VP of cheerleading may remove or suspend any member including coaches, players, or parents for any conduct deemed inappropriate based on Players, and Coaches guidelines and the Parent Code of Conduct.


7.3.13. Shall inform Board of Directors throughout the season of coaching and team status.


7.3.14. Shall present coaching staff recommendations to Board of Directors for approval.


7.4. Secretary:


7.4.1. Notifies the Board of Directors of Board meetings and regular meetings both as determined by the President.


7.4.2. Notifies the members of regular meetings via email.


7.4.3. Coordinates and maintains all league correspondence within and outside the league.


7.4.4. Assists the President in his duties.


7.4.5. Shall Maintain a copy of the Bylaws for any member requesting said Bylaws


7.4.6. Coordinates emergency phone lists.


7.4.7 Shall prepare and keep record of meeting minutes and present them to the board in a timely manner.


7.4.8 Obtains permits as necessary for public building use and field use.


7.5. Treasurer:


7.5.1. Receives commitment checks from players.


7.5.2. Collects and disburses funds as operational necessity dictates.


7.5.3. Manages bank accounts as necessary. 7.5.4. Keeps records of receipts and expenditures of the League.


7.5.5. Renders statement of financial condition on a monthly basis.


7.5.6. Assists any approved fund-raising committee.


7.5.7. Creates annual budget to be approved by the Board of Directors.


7.5.8. Assists the President in his duties.


7.5.9. Maintains a key to the P.O. Box, and distributes mail accordingly.


7.5.10 Keep all financial records current and in order, but not limited to monies received from fundraising events and accountability for disbursement of funds.



iii)Bank deposits

iv)Check writing and payments of bills


7.5.11 Work with an accountant to have yearly taxes prepared and filed with all governmental authorities.


7.5.12 File any necessary documents with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and any of its agencies.


7.5.13 Pay any fees affiliated with fundraising.




7.6.1. Shall be responsible for conducting an annual registration for player-members and maintains lists of all registered members. Annual registration shall begin no later than July 1.


7.6.2. Delivers registration fees to the Treasurer


7.6.3. Shall be responsible to organize and present all football and cheerleading rosters, birth certificates, and registration forms to the President for the rostering at CAYFL


7.6.4. Coordinate team rosters.


7.6.5 Responsible for annual banquet.


7.7.1 Responsible for implementing board approved ideas and functions that will benefit the program.


7.7.2. Develops fundraising plans appropriate to league budgetary needs.


7.7.3. Works with Communications Director on publicity for approved fundraising functions.


7.7.4. Delivers fundraising status report at each meeting.


7.7.5. Responsible for obtaining edibles and equipment for all NRYFL functions and events.


7.7.6. Shall enlist and schedule the help of as many parents and volunteers as necessary to run the stand efficiently.


7.7.7. Obtain donations as possible


7.7.9. Shall be responsible for the annual banquet.


7.8. Communications Director:


7.8.1. Responsible for all publicity to include; all necessary public notices related to registration, fundraising, etc., and all other communications approved by the board.


7.8.2. Responsible for maintaining and updating League website with Board of Directors approval.


7.9. Field & Equipment Director


7.9.1. Responsible for coordinating the activities associated with the setup and operation of the fields for game days and other such events; (other than refreshments).


7.9.2. Manages volunteers necessary for duties such as chains, announcers, time keepers, parking lot attendant, building attendant, etc.


7.9.3. Propose budget expenses that directly relate to field or game day equipment.


7.9.4. Shall obtain permits for field use.


7.9.5. Has charge of all equipment and it’s off-season care.


7.9.6. Responsible, along with the head coaches, to keep track of the maintenance of all equipment, in particular the protective gear when in use.


7.9.7. All equipment needs must be submitted in writing to the board for budget approval.




8.1. Head Coaches shall be nominated by the VP of the respective sport and appointed by a majority vote by the Board of Directors. Approved Head coaches will nominate all assistant coaches in accordance with the rules per team.  For A, B, C, and JVC four total coaches per team.  For D up to six coaches per team


8.2. The VP of Football and Cheerleading will collect applications from all new  candidates. Incumbent Head coaches will move up with their Team or Teams unless they choose not to Head Coach again or are removed by the Board for disciplinary action.


8.2.1. Applications will be available at the General Election.


8.3. VP of Football and Cheerleading will interview all head and assistant coaches prior to nomination for coaching position.


8.4. Selection of coaches will begin 14 days after the annual election.


8.5. All head coaches must be 21 years of age.


8.6. Football Head Coaches must understand and be experienced in coaching under Youth League rules and regulations regarding football.


8.7. Cheerleading Head Coaches must understand and be experienced in coaching under Youth League rules and regulations regarding cheerleading.


8.8. Head Coach Football Teams


8.8.1. Coaches and manages their team in compliance with NRYFL and CAYFL rules, develops players, and conducts practices and games, and administers game play based on attendance, enthusiasm, commitment, skill level, and technical knowledge along with any safety concernes.  Playing time is based solely at the Coaches discretion.


8.8.2. A Head Coach may remove or suspend a player from a practice, game, or other NRYFL activity for any conduct deemed inappropriate. Such action will require the Head Coach to inform the player’s parents/guardians and the VP of Football of such action as soon as possible. The VP of Football will report to the Board of Directors who will determine if a disciplinary committee is required to address the issue.


8.8.3. Responsible for the conduct and sportsmanship of his players and players’ parents and fans during scheduled games.


8.8.4. Head Coach should appoint someone on his staff to be responsible for the equipment upkeep


8.8.5. Must notify the VP of Football of any disciplinary problems or injuries that involve their teams.


8.8.6. Will be responsible for the actions of their teams at all games, competitions, or any other related functions to NRYFL - CAYFL.


8.8.7. Responsible for nominating assistant coaching staff with majority approval by the Board of Directors.


8.8.8. Responsible for communications with parents and players as it pertains to schedules, notices, newsletters, etc.


8.9. Head Coach Cheerleading Teams


8.9.1. Coaches and/or manages their team in compliance with NRYFL and CAYFL rules, develops players, and conducts practices and games and administers game play based on attendance, enthusiasm, commitment, skill level, and technical knowledge as defined in.


8.9.2. A Head Coach may remove or suspend a player from a practice, game, or other NRYFL activity for any conduct deemed inappropriate. Such action will require the Head Coach to inform the player’s parents/guardians and the VP of Cheerleading of such action as soon as possible. The VP of Cheerleading will report to the Board of Directors who will determine if a disciplinary committee is required to address the issue.


8.9.3. Responsible for the conduct and sportsmanship of their cheerleaders, parents, and fans during scheduled events.


8.9.4. Shall choose their competition team based on skill and commitment.


8.9.5. Must notify the VP of cheerleading of any disciplinary problems or injuries that involve their teams.


8.9.6. Will be responsible for the actions of their teams at all games, competitions, or any other related functions to NRYFL - CAYFL.


8.9.7. Responsible for nominating assistant coaching staff with approval by the Board of Directors.


8.9.8. Responsible for communications with parents and cheerleaders as it pertains to schedules, notices, newsletters, etc.





9.1. Membership/Finance


9.1.1. No participant, due to financial obligations, will be turned away from NRYFL. Payment schedules and scholarships will be made available. All finances will remain strictly confidential, and the Board will protect and insure the financial privacy of all participants.


9.1.2. The Board of Directors will consider all scholarships, and a majority vote will reward said scholarships.


9.1.3. Based on the financial needs to operate the league, the Board will determine the cost of registration for all teams and teams.


9.1.4. Refund Policy - There will be a 50% refund granted after July 1st and no refund once practice begins





9.2.1. A B and C Teams


In keeping with the Bylaws of the Cape Ann League, we are required to have an A and C football team and an A and C cheerleading team, B teams are optional. The A B and C football teams are the competitive teams, which will compete against other Cape Ann teams for a Division title. The A, B, and C cheerleading teams will compete against other Cape Ann teams at the Cheerleading Competition for a League Title.


The A team/team will be comprised of 7th and 8th grade applicants, the B team will be comprised of 7thgrade applicants and the C team/team will be comprised of 5th and 6th grade applicants.


9.2.2. JVC Teams


At times, enrollment may warrant forming of an additional C team. At that time, athletes for the  C competitive teams shall be chosen based on ability and commitment, (as defined by the appropriate coaching staff), in a manner that provides equal opportunity to all, and which is approved by the NRYFL Board of Directors.


The remainder of the applicants in the grade levels shall comprise the JV team. JV football teams do not compete for a title, and shall be considered developmental. JV cheerleading teams compete at the Cape Ann League Cheerleading competition. If enrollment warrants forming of multiple JV teams at a particular level, every effort shall be made to make those teams leveled in ability.


9.2.3. D Teams


Cape Ann league does not require forming of a D teams. NRYFL may choose to accept 4th grade applicants in order to form D team and team. The NRYFL Board of Directors may also annually review and consider acceptance of applicants from below 4th grade.


The D team and team are developmental and do not compete for a title. If enrollment warrants forming more than one D team, every effort shall be made to make those teams leveled in ability.


10 Definitions.


10.1 Sponsor shall be any coach, assistant coach, parent advisor, or adult who has had a CORI check done by the league.


10.2 Call of the Annual General League Meeting will be the advertisement of the meeting where elections will be held.It will contain meeting date, time and location.


10.3 Non-Voting Member shall be the parent or guardian of any participant who is registered in NRYFL at the time of the election.


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